Stockport Advanced Motorists
Stockport Advanced Motorists

Proposals are announced to introduce lower speed limits of 50 and even 40mph on all country roads - what are your views? e-mail the webmaster and your views may appear here.

And now more residential areas are being restricted to 20mph and the Police have stated they will only enforce if a local problem is highlighted! So do they mean 20mph or not?  Apparently they are now under review.

"Over reliance on blanket low speed limits is counter productive. Drivers then lose respect for other speed limits which I think is already happening!"

"Why are speed limits placed so far ahead of obstacles such as roundabouts - they clearly don't really mean motorists to slow to that speed at the speed limit sign?!"

"Maybe there should be a 'country road/lanes driving course offered by the IAM?"
"Proposals to reduce speed limits on certain motorways because of poor air quality?"
"Lower speed limits appear to be imposed on more & more roads - are they counter productive?"

An expert once said that if someone says that on a particular stretch of road over 70% of drivers are found to be speeding, the reaction should not be, "that's terrible, let's put up a camera" (or reduce the limit further!). It should be "what's wrong with the speed limit?"

The Webmaster would love to hear from motorists with any comments, gripes or anything of interest and can be contacted via the link below.

Contact us today!

We are based in Stockport and cater predominately for motorists in the following postcode areas:

SK1-9,  SK12-16,  SK22

OL1-9,  OL95

M9,  M11,  M12,  M18, M19,  M22,  M34,  M35, M40,  M43

If you would like further information, please contact us:


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Stockport Advanced Motorists is a Registered Charity No. 1051561